Supplements, vitamins, medical devices, items for the personal hygiene, cosmetics; over ten thousand products are now just a click away: this is the result of the partnership between LloydsFarmacia | BENU and Glovo, the world's leader in multi-category delivery. The home delivery of pharmaceutical products - currently available in Milan, Rome and Bologna - will be extended in the coming months to all Italian cities covered by Glovo services. All you need to do is simply access the Glovo app, visit the section dedicated to Pharmacies (represented by the Pharmacies and Beauty icon), then select the "bubble" reserved for LloydsFarmacia | BENU Pharmacy. You will be able to select the desired items and receive them at home, or wherever you want, in just a few minutes.
This brings us another step closer to citizens by taking advantage of the territorial capillarity of pharmacies, true medical bedrocks, to reach people's homes with even greater effectiveness. PHOENIX Pharma Italia is constantly seeking to bring innovation to its services, to meet and anticipate the needs of the population. This partnership allows us to offer additional health, wellness and prevention-related service and to reach cross consumer base, ready to make good use of a technology aimed at simplifying the lives of patients.